
- Networking Orwell—my suggestions for pairing Orwell’s fiction & non-fiction with his essays (under construction)
- a chronology of Nineteen Eighty-Four—an ongoing experiment in reconstructing the novel’s sequence of events, done in daily time and via the calendar (under construction)

- ‘George Orwell’, The Big Idea (2012)—an episode of The Big Idea podcast featuring Vanessa Collingridge, Ian Holliday, and Douglas Kerr
- ‘Literature: George Orwell’ (London: The School of Life, 2016)—a documentary on Orwell’s life, narrated by Alain de Botton
- D. J. Taylor, ‘Brief encounters and romps in the park’, The Critic (March 2020)—a discussion of the women in Orwell’s life, and how he treated and mistreated them
- ‘Will the real George Orwell please stand up?’ (2021)—an episode of The Bunker podcast, featuring Dorian Lynskey and D. J. Taylor
- the Orwell Archive at University College London (UCL) has digitized a lot of its holdings, many of which can be freely accessed (including Orwell's literary notebooks)
- the Orwell Foundation hosts a huge amount of resources devoted to Orwell's life and work, including textually reliable versions of many of his essays
- the ‘George Talks’ series, organized by The Orwell Society (talks include presentations on Orwell and feminism, the Second World War, truth, nature, dictatorship, etc.)
- Darcy Moore’s ‘Orwell Collection’—a page, featuring numerous images of Orwell’s dustjackets, detailing this private collector’s treasure trove
- ‘Why It Matters That George Orwell Was a Gardener’ (2020?)—Rebecca Solnit in conversation with Paul Holdengräber, on The Quarantine Tapes, discussing Orwell, nature, and flowers
- Jean Seaton, ‘George Orwell and Fear in 2022’ (12 April 2022), first keynote lecture given at the Critical Orwell conference, University of Birmingham
- Lisa Mullen, ‘Orwell and the Politics of Feeling’ (13 April 2022), second keynote lecture given at the Critical Orwell conference, University of Birmingham
- Priya Satia, ‘Orwell and Empire’ (13 April 2022), third keynote lecture given at the Critical Orwell conference, University of Birmingham
- Emily C. Bloom, ‘The Liar’s School: George Orwell’s BBC Curriculum’ (14 April 2022), fourth and final keynote lecture given at the Critical Orwell conference, University of Birmingham
- D. J. Taylor, ‘George Orwell’s Idea of Technology’ (2022), Engelsberg Ideas—Taylor on Orwell’s thoughts about ‘the moral implications of surveillance society’
- Douglas Kerr, ‘George Orwell’s Gandhi’ (21 November 2022)—recording of a lecture given at the University of Birmingham, hosted by the Centre for Modernist Cultures
- David Runciman, ‘Past, Present, Future: George Orwell’ (3 August 2023)—an episode of Runciman’s podcast devoted to Orwell’s The Lion and the Unicorn (1941)
- ‘Aspects of Orwell’ (15 October 2023)—an episode of the Slightly Foxed podcast, featuring a conversation between D. J. Taylor, author of Orwell: The New Life (2023), and Masha Karp, author of George Orwell and Russia (2023)

BBC TV & Radio Programmes
- the 5-part BBC Arena documentary on Orwell (1983), part 1 of which is here
- George Orwell: A Life in Pictures (2003)—a docudrama
- Great Lives: George Orwell (2012)—featuring Alan Johnson, Jean Seaton, and Matthew Parris
- The Real George Orwell (2013)—multiple programmes exploring Orwell’s life and work, including dramatizations of Homage to Catalonia, Animal Farm, and Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Orwell in Five Words (2020)—Phil Tinline assesses Orwell’s significance in relation to the words ‘fascism’, ‘truth’, ‘big’, ‘law’, and ‘love’
- George Orwell Now (2023)—Chris Power surveys Orwell's complex legacy with Anna Funder, Adam Biles and Sandra Newman
- ‘What was Orwell for?’ (22 November 2023)—an episode of The London Review of Books podcast, featuring Colin Burrow in conversation with Thomas Jones

Down and Out in Paris and London
- John Sutherland, ‘An Introduction to Down and Out in Paris and London (London: The British Library, 2016)

A Clergyman’s Daughter
- a recording of Aidan Steer’s stage adaptation of the novel, performed by the Southside Players (October 2014)
- Carrie Kancilia, ‘Ageing Anxieties in George Orwell’s A Clergyman’s Daughter, The Modernist Review (July 2020)
- Stephen Brown, ‘Book club: A Clergyman’s Daughter by George Orwell’, The Church Times (7 January 2022)

Homage to Catalonia
BBC Radio 4 Bookclub, ‘George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia, featuring James Naughtie, John Simpson, and Hilary Spurling (January 2013)

Animal Farm
- In Our Time, Animal Farm (2016)—Melvyn Bragg discusses Orwell’s beast fable with Steven Connor, Mary Vincent, and Robert Colls
- John Sutherland, ‘An Introduction to Animal Farm (London: The British Library, 2016)
- Mary Vincent, Animal Farm: a powerfully written allegory but an untruthful, gender-blind analysis’, Culture Matters (11 October 2016)—a follow-up piece to the In Our Time episode, above
- D. J. Taylor and Richard Blair, ‘George Orwell and the Battle for Animal Farm (The Orwell Foundation, 2020)
- Orwell’s Animal Farm (2020)—an indie game adaptation of the novel
- David Runciman, ‘Past, Present, Future: Animal Farm and Other Allegories’ (21 September 2023)

Nineteen Eighty-Four
- ‘George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (British Library documentary, featuring John Bowen)
- Roger Luckhurst, Nineteen Eighty-Four and the Politics of Dystopia’ (London: The British Library, 2016)
- The Partially Examined Life: Orwell on Totalitarianism and Language, Part 1 (2017)—first episode of a two-part philosophical discussion of the connections between language and power in Orwell’s work [part 2 is here]
- 1984 Live’ (2017)—a live reading of the novel organized by the Orwell Foundation and UCL Festival of Culture, featuring actors, writers, journalists, and members of the public
- Brave New World vs Nineteen Eighty-Four (a debate, filmed in 2018, organized by Intelligence Squared)
- The Forum: Nineteen Eighty-Four (2019)—Bridget Kendall explores Orwell’s totalitarian vision, with guests Dorian Lynskey, John Rodden, and Masha Karp
- ‘George Orwell and 1984’ (2019)—Dan Snow in conversation with Dorian Lynskey, author of The Ministry of Truth (2019), for the podcast History Hit
- ‘George Orwell and The Ministry of Truth (2019)—Dorian Lynskey in conversation with Nathan Waddell, at the University of Birmingham
- David Cannadine, ‘Behind the Buzzwords: Big Data’ (BBC Radio 4, 2020)
- Nathan Waddell, ‘Form, Structure, and Style in Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four (Massolit, 2020)
- ‘1984’ (2021)—Priya Satia (Raymond A. Spruance Professor of International History, Stanford University) in conversation with Zachary Davis for the Writ Large podcast
- On the Road with Penguin Classics, Nineteen Eighty-Four (2022)—Henry Eliot and Robert Icke in conversation about the locations that inspired Orwell’s novel
- In Our Time, Nineteen Eighty-Four (2022)—Melvyn Bragg discusses Orwell’s novel with John Bowen, David Dwan, and Lisa Mullen

- ‘The Lion and the Unicorn’ (2018)—an episode of Backlisted, featuring Suzi Feay and Billy Bragg