George Orwell

Orwell is a huge source of interest to me. I’ve published on his life and work, and at Birmingham I regularly convene or co-convene a final-year undergraduate module called ‘Orwell’s Books’, which introduces students to Orwell’s work and cultural legacies. I’m making very small steps towards writing a book about Orwell and the emotions—with the exact shape and scope of this yet to be determined—and I also hope at some point to write a book about Nineteen Eighty-Four. Other projects include:

Reading Orwell
A podcast featuring chapter-by-chapter and topic-led descriptive commentaries on Orwell’s novels & non-fiction, aimed at school students & university undergraduates.

George Orwell Studies
I joined the editorial board of George Orwell Studies in 2022. George Orwell Studies is a biannual, peer-reviewed academic journal, and the leading resource for cutting-edge Orwell scholarship.

This page lists various online Orwell-focused resources, most of them freely available, that I’ve gathered mainly to support students at Birmingham who pursue the ‘Orwell’s Books’ module (see above)—and also, maybe, for general interest.